Esther: Secular or Sacred?

Esther is an exciting book of the Bible. It contains all your classic storybook ingredients: a bold, beautiful heroine (Wonder Woman, anyone?), shifting love interests, a life or death threat to the good guys, a villain you absolutely love to hate, and of course a happy ending. There’s suspense and dramatic irony and reversals of fortune and poetic justice. Really, this story has it all! That is, except for God.

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2 Corinthians: Paradox of the Cross

2 Corinthians is a letter written by the apostle Paul in response to a complicated relationship between him and the church at Corinth. Let’s just say they “had a history.” Paul started this Jesus community sometime before on one of his missionary journeys (see Acts 18). After moving on to plant more churches, he gets a disturbing report that things were not going well in Corinth (1 Cor. 1:11).

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Kings Vs. Prophets

It’s easy to read 1 and 2 Kings and think of it as a history of Israel. While it does tell the story of Israel and the succession of its kings, the author isn’t writing history just for the sake of history. We know this because he quotes extensively from outside source books called the “Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.” So, if a historical account of the kings isn’t the primary purpose of the books, what is the point of 1 and 2 Kings?

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Making Sense of Scripture’s Storyline

We all know to some extent that a fundamental component to becoming a gospel-centered disciple is learning to read and study the Word of God. Yet, which one of us can say that we’ve not struggled at times to do that? It may not be that we lack the desire to hear from God in his Word, but every time we open the Bible we become confused, distracted, or frustrated leading to an overall sense of despair.

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7 Ridiculously Simple Ways to Make Time for Beauty

Life spiraled into chaos the moment I set out to write this article. I helped with unplanned classes, battled pain, sifted through significant opportunities for my husband, woke up to a neighbor’s house fire and witnessed death, got the flu, and went on a family trip. Needless to say, enjoying God’s beauty wasn’t on the top of my “to-do” list.

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What the Church Can and Should Bring to the #MeToo Movement

If you think #MeToo is another transitory wave of social media outrage, think again. Harvey Weinstein’s out and the #MeToo Oscars are over, but the movement doesn’t appear to be going anywhere. This worldwide phenomenon has created a palpable culture shift as countless survivors of sexual violence and harassment have come forward to share their stories and give voice to hurting women.

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Delighting in Authority: How to Create a Culture of Happy Complementarians

If I were a man, I would be a church planter. I’m a strong leader with the gifts and wiring essential to the call. I thrive when casting vision, making disciples, training leaders, preaching the Word, and evangelizing the lost. I’ve been “thinking in sermons” since I was fifteen. But I’m a woman—a woman who believes God has spoken authoritatively in his Word on all matters pertaining to life and godliness.

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7 Dos and Don’ts of Discipling Singles

“The assumptions are really what kill. It’s almost always assumed singles are either dying of loneliness or burning with lust.” Nodding, eager to hear more, I thought back on similar accounts from singles in different churches. By trying to listen and learn from singles—young, old, male, female, divorced, widowed, working, students, seminarians—my goal was to get the inside scoop on their experience as singles in the church.

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